Hello, crafter! Welcome to my color and mood post, inspired by the abundance of emerging crochet mood blankets. Enjoy this article full of color theory and the profound influence it has on our mood.

Click here to sign up for my Creative Art Blanket Course! I discuss loads of color theory and how it relates to yarny endeavors.

The Original Mood Predictor

My interest in how color and mood are related began long ago when I put a quarter in a machine, turned the knob, and out popped the ring that would turn my finger green for weeks to come: the mood ring. So mysterious! So accurate! So… adjustable!

Unfortunately, about the only thing the mood ring is good for is telling you if you’re hot or cold. A mood ring contains liquid crystals that change color depending on the temperature.

Read more about your favorite 70s fad on wikipedia, at, or buy a dozen for yourself and all your friends here!

Color and Psychology

Below, you can see my favorite online visual for colors and the moods commonly associated with them. It is from Carey Jolliffe Graphic Arts, and you can read a very detailed related article on the fabulous here. I love how there are so many colors, which is especially useful for yarn artists or painters!

Moody Colors

Here is another pretty graphic outlining some color moods. If you want to convey one of these moods, you can try using colors in the nearby color family. This will be helpful for marketing, or even designing a new project.

The Emergence of the Crochet Mood Blanket

In the beginning of 2014, a big chunk of the online crochet community paid special attention to the relationship between mood and color, because of a wonderful project started by Instagram user @Mummy_Stacey.

Crochet Mood Blanket Project and More Links